Songzanlin Monastery and the eight auspicious symbol

Songzanlin Monastery, Shangri La, Yunnan Province, China

Songzalin Monastery
It was a great experience to have visited Songzalin Monastery, the biggest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan province . I highly recommend to all if you are visiting Shangri La although it can get really crowded with tourist, still a beautiful sight must see. The Buddhas and ornaments inside every temple are magnificent but you cannot take photo. We walked around the Lamuyancuo lake to see a full view of the monastery and it was impressive. The above photo I took!
It is quite easy to get to, only 5k from Shangri la town, you can take bus 3 for 1CNY or taxi around 20CNY. You can spend half day, we did it in the afternoon, to go around. The altitude is 3,380 meters, it was quite challenging walking up those stairs but worth it!
Full view of Songzanlin scenic spot

I found the auspicious symbols quite interesting so I took a photo of each. It is nice to know the meaning and purpose of each symbol and how it influence Buddhism.

The Knot Eternity
The Banner of Victory
The Dharma-wheel
The White Conch Shell
Lotus Flower
The Precious Parasol
The Golden Fish
The Vase of Great Treasures

Enjoy sightseeing!

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