Trip to Dubai - July 2013

I never thought I would travel to Middle East, see this part of the world, experience the Arab culture and see the desert.  Dubai is a city perfectly equipped to entertain and amaze you, I'm so lucky to explore this city for free!
Burj Al Arab, Dubai

I got to travel to Dubai because the company I work for organized an off-site for all employee for a conference. Planning it was very exciting and time consuming, I was the main organizer thus gave me an opportunity to discover more about Dubai. But the most exciting was the 2 days before the company conference. Me and my manager was allowed to fly to Dubai 2 days ahead of everyone in the company. We got to explore more touristic spots and experience more heat of the desert, we went in July 2013, Summer freakin hot!
For a city in the desert, there was a lot of green than I expected especially in residential area when we visited a friend's house. I was quite amazed to know that more than 90% of water supply comes from Seawater desalination. Imagine how much salty water they boil to supply the whole city, those trees, grass, etc...
Another interesting I've observed are the workers or staff at the malls, hotels, restaurants and other places are all foreigners coming from Philippines, Africa, India and other parts of Asia. I didn't see or meet local Arab working or if ever they work at all! I heard that there's only a quarter of Arabs actually living there and the rest are all expatriates. Also interesting is that you get paid if you lose weight!! The government awards a gram of gold to every kilogram weight lost but I guess only applies to Arabs. I remember other weird incentive to locals about their house or having a baby but I'm not sure about details. Interesting!

So here's what we did in Dubai in 5 days:

Day 1: flew from Hong Kong to Dubai at 1:40AM flight on Premium Economy, my first time on premium class! normally I fly cheap. We landed at 6AM, went straight to the hotel, it's good they allowed early check in, after all it's a 5 star hotel, JW Marriott Marquis. Again, my first time on a 5 star hotel. I'm a backpacker and I like hostels, I like to travel cheap. I couldn't justify spending so much on accommodation when most of the time you're out and about exploring foreign land. But it's free, so I appreciated, double, the comfort, fanciness and excellent service it offered and triple the generosity of my boss for spoiling us.
So dropped our stuff, never mind tiredness and lack of sleep, we were so excited! We took hotel's shuttle bus to Dubai Mall to get on the hop-on hop-off big bus tour. We wandered around to check out Dubai Mall, it is massive! For those who are shopaholic, it is a dreamland! for me, it was a labyrinth!! We had a big brunch, we got a bit greedy when we saw some delicious Arab dish, we got so full, we couldn't finish. Then took the big bus tour, started with Red Routes. We only had afternoon to explore so Red route was perfect as it was more about old souks and touristic spots are quite condensed. We started at the Dubai Museum for some history and general info, pretty helpful and interesting to see how rapidly the city developed from a fishing village to a metropolis.Then we took Abras to cross Dubai creek for $1 Dirham! It was cool feeling like local, if you're in Dubai, try it. Got off the boat then tried to find our way to old souks and we got lost. The directory on the road was in Arabic and our map didn't include those narrow streets. So we just wandered, followed some other tourist and ta-da! We found the Gold Souk, all yellow, shimmering, jewels display on glass window. We checked out few stores, it was packed of tourist, mainly Indians and Chinese. We moved on to see Spice Souk, bags of spices, so colorful and quite strong aroma in the atmosphere. It was more interesting than gold, I bought some Saffron to bring home. We chatted with few vendors and asked for bargain. The funny thing was, I asked for a discount but they didn't give me then my manager asked, they gave the item to her for free! Then we went to Herb Souk and those souvenir shops. There are a lot of vendors selling copy bags, watches and etc., some was following us, it was annoying, I guess everywhere you get this.
We took the last bus back to Dubai Mall, we were so knackered already and hungry, bought take away food: Hummus, pita bread, chicken Kabsa, yum yum! Then we tried to find our way back to the shuttle bus stop but we got lost in the mall, it was frustrating. Finally back to the hotel, quick dinner and bed, I think I snored that night....

Day 2: We started with a big breakfast buffet at JW Marriott, their buffet had a wide selection of food from full english breakfast, french bread, croissant, pain au chocolat, chinese dim sum, congee, some arab dish...oh it was yummy. We started the Blue route at Dubai Mall to see the big Aquarium and shopped a bit as it was the end of Summer sale. Then had lunch at Nandos, yummy chicken! We took the bus to our next destination and along the way to Jumeirah, we passed some Mosque but didn't go in. We got to the Jumeirah Beach and it was all white sand and blue water. We were quite disappointed we didn't bring our bikinis. It would have been perfect to go for a swim in the scorching heat. We took photo of the famous Burj Al Arab then hopped on the bus to Souk Madinat. It is an indoor souk which makes it really convenient to walk around and check out souvenir stuff. Then we went to the Atlantis on the Palm, it was impressive to see what humans are capable of doing especially with so much wealth. We didn't explore much, we did see the aquarium and we wanted to get on the Monorail but it's only one way. We head to the Mall of Emirates, another massive mall, to meet a friend who lives in Dubai. This mall is quite interesting, it has an indoor ski resort, how cool is that? Then we head to our friend's house where I was amazed to see full grown trees in the desert. We had a quick drink and she dropped us off at the hotel.

Day 3: First day of our company conference but I'm only gonna talk about dinner part, the fun part. For dinner, we went to this place, Souk Al Bahar, where you can dine al fresco, watch the majestic impressive Dubai fountain show and admire the Megatall Burj Khalifa tower, tallest building in the world so far. You will definitely enjoy the fountain show, so don't miss it when you're in Dubai! We had dinner at Abdel Wahab Lebanese Cuisine, it was good food as I remember, quite pricey though. It would have been ideal to dine al fresco at their terrace and watch fountain show every half an hour but it was too hot and humid! If this wasn't a company trip, I would have just bought take away middle eastern food and sit somewhere around the fountain and eat while watching the show, drink something really cold! Note: be careful drinking alcohol in Dubai, very strict! you need a license I heard, just don't end up in jail on your holiday.
After dinner, we went for a quick night out, we were curious to see how locals party. I don't remember which hotel but it was around business district. We didn't see local arabs partying but I guess you can consider them local coz they live and work in Dubai. The only thing I could say is, they like dancing and smoking in the dance floor. It wasn't that interesting after all.

Day 4: Again only the fun bit I'll talk about, it is dinner in a Dhow cruise at Dubai creek. Very touristic activity, good food, standard drink and okay service on board. I wouldn't fancy it, if it was a personal trip because it was just a dinner on a boat, it wasn't very interesting like the boat cruise in La Seine in Paris where you see all the touristic spot like Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, etc.. I guess you can do this with a big group, like our company, we enjoyed it not because of the view but with catching up with colleagues and gossiping during dinner.
Afterwards was a big night out, as I remember it was at a tiki bar somewhere in Jumeirah. It was so packed of expats mainly bankers even on a Tuesday night, we managed to get in thanks to my director's friend. The place is really cool and cocktails was really good but pricey. We had this treasure chest box cocktail with rose petals on top loaded with Rum, it was such a fun drink. I could say one of the best night out ever with my colleagues, awesome DJ playing the right music, yummy alcohol and paid by company. We partied till it closed.

Day 5: Plan was to go up Burj Khalifa but my brain was too infused with Rum I couldn't be bother getting up to see what's up there aside from sand and buildings. The photos I posted here are from my manager, she managed to get up. I didn't even get up to have our last breakfast buffet, shame! I regretted it but sleep was more important to mend my so hangover. The other plan was more interesting and exciting, an afternoon at the desert! We hopped on those 4x4 car for our desert safari adventure. We started with the Dune ride, my much anticipated favorite part that afternoon. I sat next to the driver expecting amusing thrilling tricks on the sand. To my disappointment, my colleagues started feeling ill, dizzy and asked the driver to slow down, booooo! Guess the alcohol in their system was the culprit. We had to stopped couple of times to get fresh air and yeh, puke. Then we got to Bedouin Camp for dinner and some entertainment. I got on the Camel for the first time in my life, it wasn't really a ride coz it lasted only 5mins from trying to mount and getting off the camel, too short. We tried to do sandboarding but climbing up the sand dragging the heavy board for someone hangover wasn't much fun. I only managed to go up once, sat on the board then slide down...not as fun as skiing where you have the cable car to go up the mountain. Tried some other activities like henna tattoo or dressing up as local with those Hijab. Then BBQ dinner and some entertainment, belly dancing. For me, this was the highlight for this trip, the desert. I wish we could spend more time but we had to catch our flight back to Hong Kong.

Overall, this trip was amazing and if you get a chance to visit Dubai, go for it!

other info:
Visa: tourist visa can be obtain through your hotel, pretty convenient. 
Entertainer book, it's a book with all deals from food to activity. We bought it but didn't make enough use of it, 5 days not enough to use all those coupons.

Big Bus Tour, definitely worth it, buy online in advance for some discounts.

Hop-on Hop-off Big Bus Tour Dubai
Here are some photos, enjoy!!
Dubai Fountain Show

Abra ride to cross Dubai Creek

Gold Souk

Spice Souk

Burj Khalifa

View from Burj Khalifa

View from Burj Khalifa

Desert beauty

4x4 Dune Ride


Atlantis at the Palm

Burj Al Arab

Indoor Ski Resort

my version of Sandboarding
Bedouin Camp
Famous Treasure Chest Box Cocktail at Trader Vic's

2 days trek @ Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lijiang

Such an amazing experience to see one of the deepest and most impressive gorge in the world! The high trail will offer you the best view to fully absorb its magnificence. I was truly impressed. I highly recommend this great experience. 

This was my first trek and I absolutely love it! I was so excited when I planned this trip, my friend have been there and she was happy she did it. Although, I do a lot of hikes in Hong Kong for leisure and fitness during weekends; also it is kind of escape from the busy city lifestyle. Still, I anticipated that it would be challenging especially the much talked 28 bends you need to tackle. My friend did it in 3 days, they wanted to take their time and relax instead of pushing their limit. We did in 2 days, we wanted to make most of our time and there's so much to explore in Yunnan Province, China. So we planned it very well and my companions were quite experienced hikers.
So here's my guide how we did it, thanks in advance for reading my blog and please like.
There are two ways to see the gorge; The easy flat artificial walking street along the river OR worth the hard work high trail which will be discussed here. But actually, you will be able to see both ways if you take the high trail.
So to start..... Tiger leaping gorge hiking high way thus into ...... (more of this funny translation along the way)

Ok let's start seriously. We went to Lijiang in April 2014, weather was still cool and dry, perfect time for trek in my opinion. We flew from Hong Kong with China Eastern, its supposed direct flight but it stops in Kunming for less than an hour, I think for immigration purposes. We landed in Lijiang around 10PM, supposed earlier but expect delays when traveling to China or anywhere actually. Point is, it is ideal to arrive in Lijiang at night, have a good sleep to recover from the flight and regain strength for the hike. Some likes to spend their night in Lijiang and go to Qiaotou (hike starting point) the next day. But the most efficient way, personal opinion, is to head straight to Qiaotou and this is what we did. To sleep in Qiaotou, I highly recommend Jane's Tibetan Guesthouse, it is where we stayed. Their beds are heated, spacious and comfy; hot shower; yummy breakfast and you can arrange pick up service from the airport for around 300RMB negotiable, there were four of us, so worth it. Note: you must arrange taxi or van to pick you up from the airport, there was no transportation when we arrived. The ride from Lijiang to Qiaotou takes approximately 2 hours, we arrived at the guesthouse at midnight, just perfect. Another advantage landing and going there at night is, we avoided the entrance fee to the trail which is 65RMB, the ticket booth was close!

Day 1
Jane's guest house is pretty much at the starting point of the trail, so we didn't need to wake up very early, alarm was set at 8AM. We made sure to have had hearty breakfast although we packed some snacks to refuel on the trail. Also at the guesthouse, you can leave your heavy stuff for a small fee, they will keep it for you and you can pick up on the way back. But because we didn't want to risk losing time on our way back, coz of our next destination: Shangri la. We hiked with our heavy stuff, 10kg on my back with one stick all the way for two days and I can say it's manageable. So, we started, set foot at 10AM.

From the guesthouse, walk down pass the school and look for the blue sign along the road (see photo posted above). Once your on the trail, there'll be funny sign along the path to follow. Also some locals on their horses are hanging along the trail waiting for hikers. When they spot you, they will discourage and persuade you to hire their service especially to tackle 28 bends. One guy kept on following us but we tried and didn't give up! Also before the 28 bends and after there will be refueling station where vendors sell water, fruits, snack, and souvenirs. So don't worry, you can recharge your energy if it goes low. Be careful some vendor would force you to buy something and some insists that they wont let you pass. We bought snack at every vendor, prices are reasonable and it keeps them happy instead of yelling at you, also you can ask them to take your photo.

After the 28 bends, we stopped at Tea Horse Guest House for lunch and rested a bit. The view at their rooftop is breath taking. It felt so nice looking at those mountains, I was really glad I did it.

We carried on walking towards Half Way Guest house, where we spent our second night. We didn't book our rooms coz they don't take reservation. But the place is quite big and can accommodate big crowds. The hike from Tea horse to Half way was just like a long walk, trail was much easier along the side of the mountain. We reached Half Way at 6PM, it was perfect. We didn't hike fast, didn't rush, we stopped couple of times to take photos. Total 8 hours including few breaks, proper lunch and photo taking. Our rooms at the guest house was quite comfy, heated bed and amazing view of the mountains. Their shared toilets was disgusting (expected in China), some are broken, their showers are mostly broken. The receptionist speaks pretty well in English and food was average. The rooftop view is great especially for the sunrise. They definitely need some improvements but it was a good stay and we recovered well.

Day 2
We woke up early for the sunrise, had a good breakfast, settled our bills and started hike at 10:30AM. Going down from Half Way to Tina's Guest house was about 2 hours. The trail on the slope was a bit slippery because the ground was so dry, dusty and steep. We reached Tina's GH at 12:30PM, booked our bus to Shangri la straight away to secure seats. We left our heavy stuff at the reception and went down to see the gorge. To go down Middle Tiger Leaping Gorge and back up takes about 2hours, so give it at least 3 hours to enjoy the view. From Tina's GH, walk down pass the bridge and look for the entrance along the road next to ..forgot the name of the guest house but there's 10 yuan fee. Going down was easier, quick; some bits can only be access by ladder and the path is so steep. Going back up is really challenging, I took the long ladder back up as short cut but I was really scared half way but made it! We got back at Tina's and had lunch then waited for our bus ride to Shangri la, our next adventure! 

Here are some photos of the Gorge:
this way to go down the Gorge

This is scary!!

Night hike to Victoria Peak

Isn't this a beauty?? I love this view.

Hong Kong
really makes me realize how amazing is Hong Kong.
Ok, night hike is another way to be physically active especially if you don't have time during the day, bored running on that treadmill or no gym membership like me. I like to do it after work, it's a way to de-stress after tough day.

Victoria Peak hike will definitely make you sweat, it is uphill all the way to the top. You will be rewarded with spectacular view of Hong Kong (photo above doesnt capture much) and lose some calories. So here's info to get there and lets get physical!

  • From Central MTR take exit D1 on Pedder St., walk towards Queens Road and cross street, there's Marks and Spencer opposite.
  • Walk up on Wyndham Street till you reach Fringe Club and continue on Glenealy Street to reach Albany Road.
  • on Albany Road, you will pass by Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden. This is quite a steep walk already, you might want to shake those tight leg muscles to relax a bit and keep walking towards Old Peak Road.

  • On top of Albany Road is crossing, keep going up on Old Peak Road. Here you will see some posh apartments that might make you day dream, I always do, maybe someday.
  • You'll see the Peak sign, you can walk along the road or take the stair on the right. I always take the stair, it will tone your bottom, firm your glutes to make it sexier.
  • Keep on walking up along Old Peak Road till you pass those high-rise posh apartments. Don't forget to shake your legs when it gets really tight!

Here starts more like a hike, surrounded by trees, some insects, dog's poop and steeper pavement. I would walk in zigzag to ease the pressure on my calves or walk backward up! Its pretty straight forward from here, just keep on going up!

Here you'll see the Peak Tram rail and you are almost there! Turn right to continue to the Peak.
Turn Right

Here you can already see the Peak Tower, exciting isn't it? almost up there!
Peak Tower
After the last stairs, don't forget to congratulate yourself for making it to the top! Grab a cold drink from 7-eleven inside Peak Galleria or Gelato. Then go towards Lugard Road to discover awesome view of Hong Kong.

Now to go back, you can either walk down the same path, take a bus at the bus terminal inside Peak Galleria or take a taxi. If you live around Pokfulam, Pokfield Road or Kennedy Town, there's a path to go down. We'll give you details on my next blog. 

Enjoy and get fit!

BBQ in Shek O main beach

Looking for BBQ location in Hong Kong to celebrate your weekend? 

Shek O Beach, Hong Kong

There are lots of BBQ sites in Hong Kong but one of the best is at Shek O beach! I love it here especially in Summer. It's perfect place to celebrate birthdays, gatherings to catch up with friends and family. This year I've done like 3 BBQ parties, one I organized. The best way to get there is by taxi with friends or you can take MTR to Shaukeiwan then red mini bus to Shek O.

  • Check out Liu's BBQ Shek O main beach, call in advance to book at 2809 4579, make sure to to book front bbq pits. The cost is quite reasonable, last time I booked for 15 people was $550 That's for: 
    •  BBQ set x 2 = $400
    • Charcoal x 2 = $50
    • Grill x 2 = $60
    • Ice bucket and Ice x 1 = $40
  • KK Lee BBQ, next to Liu's BBQ and closer to the water but smaller area, call and book at 9192 3534

One day company team building in Hong Kong

If your organizing team building in Hong Kong, here's some info for you..

dialogue in the dark
Start your day at Dialogue in the dark, this could be an amazing experience as it will test your senses apart from your sight. Very good for team building because you will have to help each other in the dark in testing your sense of smell, taste, touch and sound. You will stay in the dark for about 75mins, max 8 people per tour and normal rate is $150 per person per tour. Check their website for more info:

Hullett House
For lunch, you can go to Hullett House 1881 Heritage in Tsim Sha Tsui, there's 5 restaurant you can choose from: Loong Toh Yuen, Mariners' Rest, Stables Grill, The Parlour and St. George. Their set lunch menu is quite affordable and place is really nice!

Indoor War game at Impact Force CQB
For a fun-packed afternoon experience and to avoid outdoor heat in the summer try indoor war game  at Impact Force CQB. This will promote team cooperation, generating strategy, building courage and achieving goal. At Impact Force, their battle zones will excite you more; they have Amazon Jungle, The Lost City and Cambodia. Also war game is becoming popular activity for women and children, just make sure to gear up as it can get pretty painful. Visit their website for more info and enjoy!

Junk Hong Kong
Of course night junk in Hong Kong is one of the best! As the finale of your team activity, enjoy your dinner with the best view of Victoria Harbour, play drinking games on board, dance, drink, chitchat and bond with your colleagues. Jaspas Junk offers quite good deal, you can choose what to include on the menu, drinks are unlimited and servers on board are helpful to fill your glass to make sure you don't run out of drink! Night Junk cost $650 per adult and starts at 7PM to 11:30PM, for more info visit Jaspas Junk.

Make sure to hire a coach service, try Kwoon Chung Motors Co., LTD. Just send them details of your activity and they'll quote you a reasonable price. Pretty convenient! 
Coach service 29-seater

Enjoy your day!